James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

GreatCoPayback.com -- -Search Match Return Results [ Colorado Aids Project ]
2 messages

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 1:37 AM
To: Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>

Dear Ms. Keady,

Although you may periodically check the status of UNCLAIMED PROPERTY funds of your own organization from time to time...

Since having a library background and involved in public records searches, I typically go ahead and perform searches for people and organizations that I am connected to in my life... just for convienence of speedy recovery.  Why should the government hold funds for someone or some organization any one day longer?

I performed a UNCLAIMED PROPERTY SEARCH for [ COLORADO AIDS PROJECT ] and returned two (2) records:  Although the amounts may be minor for you to proceed with claims at this time,

DO NOTE that for the AIDS PROJECT EAST BAY [ APEB ] I have found in unclaimed funds much much more to have given them alert to.

Go to    :  GreatCoPayback.com
and use the BUSINESS SEARCH button link

Or just use the Search URL:

leave all other data info fields blank
complete the human key CAPTCHA verifyier

and you should be returned with the same results as I have found:   You can proceed from there.

Take care.... Just thought you would like to know.

Search Results

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 1:42 AM
To: Angela Keady <angelak@coloradohealthnetwork.org>
Here is what I have alerted and found for Aids Project East Bay in the past:

    You never know...  $351.43  +  $750.00  =   QUITE A VALUE FIND.

Take care.

 I have your back.

- Enjoy

California State Seal
California State Controller

You can verify these search results yourself by linking to the State of California yourself and conducting a fresh search.


Viewing Results 1 - 2 of 2
NameAddressCityID NumberType AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY400 40TH STREET SUITE 204OAKLAND CA 94609- 012327913 Property ID AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY651 20TH STREETOAKLAND CA 32836- 014988455Property ID

Date: 1/15/2009 Source: INT Property ID Number:  012327913 Owner's Name:  AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY Amount: 

$351.43 Type of Property:  Court settlements Reported By:  GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Reported Address:  400 40TH STREET SUITE 204

Date: 1/15/2009 Source: INT Property ID Number:  014988455 Owner's Name:  AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY Amount: 

$750.00 Type of Property:  Vendor payments Reported By:  KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC. Reported Address:  651 20TH STREET


My first favor would be a reply of gratitude in some manner in locating what seems to be more than $1,000 that I am sure your organization can use.  Therefore, I do expect a timely reply rather than this email being ignored and cast out to the wind to never be considered for reading and/or any other proper business level address.

I mentioned the name Jamal Graham.  I would hope that just the mention of this name makes any reader within your organization cringe.

Based on what I know is just community rumor, which I happen to believe, is the history of Jamal Graham & APEB dating back to the time I was a client there starting with my first HIV/AIDS diagnosis in Sept 1999 and into my disability beginning in 2000.

Here is image of Jamal Graham's APEB Case Manager Business Card which is located on my blogging pages site [ inthemindway.multiply.com ].  Also this image is file attached to this email just in case your organization(s) have multiply.com somehow blocked by a firewall.

Jamal Graham - APEB - Case Disservice Management History.png

Should said rumors be true, Mr Graham had been taking client files home and manipulating their contents for reasons which most likely are financial deviance. 

So beyond that rumors and his termination from APEB, he acquired the posting job as Building Administrator at Allen Temple Manor, an HIV/AIDS supportive housing facility in East Oakland under HUD housing section 811 basically since it's grand opening in 2001.

This facility manged by American Baptist Homes of the West as Mr Graham was an employee of ABHOW.. So following the turmoil that occurred at APEB, Mr Graham was unleashed to continue to play considerable ill regards and havoc on the tenants of Allen Temple Manor.

Along with other key persons of involvement is Dr Robert C Scott, founder and also a current ongoing HIV/AIDS medical doctor practicing in the local HIV/AIDS community in Oakland and Jan Nunes, direct supervisory manager above Mr Graham at ABHOW.

By now anyone reading this you may have made a mental connection to my name, "James Driskill" with what are your own exposure to community rumors of who I am and what happened to me.  But perhaps not. 

Therefore I will have to provide you all most all of the gory details here so that I know you have a bit of an understanding for the point of view I am writing to you about now in the year 2009.

But before I get into that Massive Mischievous Marvel of Molding Muck, I am seeking another favor of something of topics much more positive to our HIV/AIDS community.

This is one of those "HIV/AIDS community supportive requests" mentioned in my introduction and these supportive items are called World Community Grid and the FightAIDS@Home Project.

I am seeking a proper business level address and a reply here in relation to these.

Once again I have to shore up any loophole possibility [excuse] that your corporate access to the public information society are being blocked somehow from these websites.  I will copy/paste some information here for an introduction. I am also file attaching PDF documents for your review.

I expect that review since these directly impact our HIV/AIDS community as a whole.

Has anyone reading this email ever heard of these online projects to humanity and to our HIV/AIDS community?  If not, why not?

I see that the APEB website does not show support for World Community Grid. [ http://apeb.org/ ]

But that would not be true of my current HIV/AIDS Case Managment Agency that I am connected to.

North County Health Services : HIV/AIDS Case Management

The Coordinated Services Center (CSC) is a "one stop shopping" concept for the delivery of services to the HIV community in North County where clients can ...
www.nchs-health.org/pages/3039/HIV/AIDS_Case_Management.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages -

Linking to their site and scrolling to the bottom, you will remarkably find the World Community Icon and this statement:

"NCHS is a proud partner of the World Community Grid network Learn more"

Since APEB and NCHS are both Ryan White II HIV/AIDS Case Management Agencies, I find we must somehow find and unite a common bonding and for you to continue reading as well as respond to my "HIV/AIDS community supportive requests" fully requested by this email.

My request is for your organization(s) to look into joining World Community Grid along with the FightAids @ Home projects and to share these with the greater local HIV/AIDS community members of agencies and clients.  Would you agree? 

The molding muck just mentioned and introduced above draws upon why I have just great certitude in what needs to happen in the direction of your community in relation to WCG.

Definitions of certitude on the Web:

You might ask, What is World Community Grid?  Since I want to be rest assured that you can access this information, I am copy/pasting from their home page and partners information pages.  If any of this is mis-formatted in email beyond readability, please find some way to access the web from the public library or immediately reply back to me so that I can facilitate an alternative means of delivery of this information.  Thank you.

World Community Grid

  World Community Grid World Community Grid

Join World Community Grid today to contribute to projects that benefit humanity
        Who We Are

Human Genome
Advisory Board
Watch Videos
World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals - like you - collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.

How You Can Help

Become a Member
Submit a Proposal
Tell a Friend
Spread the Word
Donate the time your computer is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity! We provide the secure software that does it all for free, and you become part of a community that is helping to change the world. Once you install the software, you will be participating in World Community Grid. No other action must be taken; it's that simple! To learn more and join, click the button below.
download now
  What We Do

Exciting work is now under way on projects that hold tremendous potential to benefit humanity.

The Clean Energy Project
Nutritious Rice for the World
Help Conquer Cancer
Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 Project
FightAIDS@Home Project
How Grid Computing Works
  What's New

World Community Grid welcomes its newest partner:


The [ Partners ] page is where APEB and World Community Grid should begin their union to become a HIV/AIDS and World community supporter.   Watch Videos is a good place if you don't have time to read.  But as a courtesy to me for informing you that there are over $1,000 of unclaimed property funds, I think I have in some way balanced any investment in your time.

I cannot see how you could disagree here.

In the Become a Partner page, there is a link to an online PDF document.  I have attached that document in this email just in case you have any issues at accessing the site.  Here is that page:


Become a Partner

If you are an individual and would like to share World Community Grid with the appropriate decision makers in your business, association, foundation, government agency, or university, you can download a presentation on how to become a World Community Grid partner.

Partner Presentation

Other online PDF documents include:

Videos are a great way to spread the word about World Community Grid. To view all World Community Grid videos, click here.

Click here PDF for a 2-page overview of World Community Grid called The Power of Sharing.

Get the How It Works PDF overview of World Community Grid.

If you have any problems accessing these, please reply and I will find alternative means for delivery for your review.

I think that just about covers my sharing World Community Grid to Aids Project East Bay.  I can now continue the details of the Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck.

By now I bet, your board of directors and administrators with all of what I know is a community level awareness of me, James Driskill, and my attempts to bring these into view long time ago.

And for that, what happened is now going on just about 3 years ago.  You see, I first joined FightAids @ Home in March 2005 before it was placed on the World Community Grid in November 2005. I did not have all of these online organized sharing tools to be able to have the community listen to me.

And the community did not listen. More over, the higher powers of HIV/AIDS management agenda was and probably still is very ill placed against the community in regards to such goals as the World Summit of the Information Society [WSIS] held back in 2003 and in time confluense in November 2005. 

And with papers such as:

Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society

ICTA-NA WSIS Position Paper.

Aug 27, 2003 ... Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society ..... II - Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society ...
www.starlingweb.com/ictana/wsis-e.asp - 59k - Cached - Similar pages -

Here is a few recommendations highlighted and put forward in this document as of 2003:

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must set out a clear commitment and concrete strategies in order to ensure accessibility to technologies and their contents to persons with disabilities, as well as to assistive technologies.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must set out a clear commitment and concrete strategies in order to insure the accessibility of environments and equipment to persons with disabilities.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must contain concrete goals and strategies with reference to government procurement of accessible goods and services.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must promote the development of open, interoperable and accessible standards.

Recommendation: The declaration must recognise the right to an education for all as a fundamental condition of the development of the information society.

Recommendation: The declaration and the plan of action must propose goals and objectives concerning persons with disabilities in order to raise their educational profile and to permit them to take full advantage of proposed developments.

Recommendation: The declaration and the plan of action must recognise the right of Civil Society partners [ THIS WOULD BE YOU, APEB ] to participate in the decision-making process and propose concrete means to promote this participation, with special attention to the needs of marginalized groups, notably persons with disabilities.

So, as to not continue to be marginalized as before and my communications oppressed, I am going to be posting this exact email to the forums of the World Community Grid should I receive no proper and timely reply.

Here are the links to these forums:

Community Envelope Teams
This forum is for teams to communicate among members and recruit new members.
Envelope Chat Room
A meeting place to chat and discuss issues that members wish to discuss.
Envelope Caring and Sharing
A meeting place to chat and discuss personal subjects related to the research that is running on World Community Grid. 
3 Attachments
Preview attachment partner.pdf
Preview attachment The Power of Sharing.pdf


to me
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.


Original-Recipient: rfc822;sweng@apeb.org
Final-Recipient: rfc822;sweng@apeb.org
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.1
X-Display-Name: Sottolin Weng

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: Patricia Jeffery-Wililams <pwilliams@apeb.org>, Sottolin Weng <sweng@apeb.org>, Cseneca Greenwood <cgreenwood@apeb.org>
Cc: Bongane Nyathi <bnyathi@apeb.org>, "Kevin E. Bynes" <kbynes@apeb.org>, David Williams <dwilliams@apeb.org>, "Deborah Wyatt-'Oneal" <doneal@apeb.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 23:02:34 -0800
Subject: Aids Project of the East Bay (APEB) has unclaimed property funds held by the state of California
TO: Aids Project of the East Bay

Patricia Jeffery-Wililams

Administrative Coordinator
(510) 457-4019

Sottolin Weng
Accounting Executive Assistant
(510) 663-7957

Cseneca Greenwood
Housing Coordinator


Dear APEB,

My name is James Driskill and a former client of APEB dating back to 2000 with case manager Jamal Graham.

I am contacting you for a couple of reasons.  But first I want to let you know that I have conducted a public web search today for unclaimed property funds held by the State of California for your organization.  There is definitely matching amounts of  $351.43 & $750.00.  Perhaps you were previously aware of these unclaimed property funds, but perhaps not.  I am hoping that since I have done you a bit of a favor in locating more than $1,000, that you

could do me a favor in return that will not cost any dollars.  I am not looking for a finders fee or anything.  I am looking for some respect and for someone to fully read this email and it's HIV/AIDS community supportive requests.

California State Seal
California State Controller

You can verify these search results yourself by linking to the State of California yourself and conducting a fresh search.


Viewing Results 1 - 2 of 2
NameAddressCityID NumberType AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY400 40TH STREET SUITE 204OAKLAND CA 94609- 012327913 Property ID AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY651 20TH STREETOAKLAND CA 32836- 014988455Property ID

Date: 1/15/2009 Source: INT Property ID Number:  012327913 Owner's Name:  AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY Amount:  $351.43 Type of Property:  Court settlements Reported By:  GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Reported Address:  400 40TH STREET SUITE 204

Date: 1/15/2009 Source: INT Property ID Number:  014988455 Owner's Name:  AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY Amount:  $750.00 Type of Property:  Vendor payments Reported By:  KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC. Reported Address:  651 20TH STREET


My first favor would be a reply of gratitude in some manner in locating what seems to be more than $1,000 that I am sure your organization can use.  Therefore, I do expect a timely reply rather than this email being ignored and cast out to the wind to never be considered for reading and/or any other proper business level address.

I mentioned the name Jamal Graham.  I would hope that just the mention of this name makes any reader within your organization cringe.

Based on what I know is just community rumor, which I happen to believe, is the history of Jamal Graham & APEB dating back to the time I was a client there starting with my first HIV/AIDS diagnosis in Sept 1999 and into my disability beginning in 2000.

Here is image of Jamal Graham's APEB Case Manager Business Card which is located on my blogging pages site [ inthemindway.multiply.com ].  Also this image is file attached to this email just in case your organization(s) have multiply.com somehow blocked by a firewall.

Jamal Graham - APEB - Case Disservice Management History.png

Should said rumors be true, Mr Graham had been taking client files home and manipulating their contents for reasons which most likely are financial deviance. 

So beyond that rumors and his termination from APEB, he acquired the posting job as Building Administrator at Allen Temple Manor, an HIV/AIDS supportive housing facility in East Oakland under HUD housing section 811 basically since it's grand opening in 2001.

This facility manged by American Baptist Homes of the West as Mr Graham was an employee of ABHOW.. So following the turmoil that occurred at APEB, Mr Graham was unleashed to continue to play considerable ill regards and havoc on the tenants of Allen Temple Manor.

Along with other key persons of involvement is Dr Robert C Scott, founder and also a current ongoing HIV/AIDS medical doctor practicing in the local HIV/AIDS community in Oakland and Jan Nunes, direct supervisory manager above Mr Graham at ABHOW.

By now anyone reading this you may have made a mental connection to my name, "James Driskill" with what are your own exposure to community rumors of who I am and what happened to me.  But perhaps not. 

Therefore I will have to provide you all most all of the gory details here so that I know you have a bit of an understanding for the point of view I am writing to you about now in the year 2009.

But before I get into that Massive Mischievous Marvel of Molding Muck, I am seeking another favor of something of topics much more positive to our HIV/AIDS community.

This is one of those "HIV/AIDS community supportive requests" mentioned in my introduction and these supportive items are called World Community Grid and the FightAIDS@Home Project.

I am seeking a proper business level address and a reply here in relation to these.

Once again I have to shore up any loophole possibility [excuse] that your corporate access to the public information society are being blocked somehow from these websites.  I will copy/paste some information here for an introduction. I am also file attaching PDF documents for your review.

I expect that review since these directly impact our HIV/AIDS community as a whole.

Has anyone reading this email ever heard of these online projects to humanity and to our HIV/AIDS community?  If not, why not?

I see that the APEB website does not show support for World Community Grid. [ http://apeb.org/ ]

But that would not be true of my current HIV/AIDS Case Managment Agency that I am connected to.

North County Health Services : HIV/AIDS Case Management

The Coordinated Services Center (CSC) is a "one stop shopping" concept for the delivery of services to the HIV community in North County where clients can ...
www.nchs-health.org/pages/3039/HIV/AIDS_Case_Management.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages -

Linking to their site and scrolling to the bottom, you will remarkably find the World Community Icon and this statement:

"NCHS is a proud partner of the World Community Grid network Learn more"

Since APEB and NCHS are both Ryan White II HIV/AIDS Case Management Agencies, I find we must somehow find and unite a common bonding and for you to continue reading as well as respond to my "HIV/AIDS community supportive requests" fully requested by this email.

My request is for your organization(s) to look into joining World Community Grid along with the FightAids @ Home projects and to share these with the greater local HIV/AIDS community members of agencies and clients.  Would you agree? 

The molding muck just mentioned and introduced above draws upon why I have just great certitude in what needs to happen in the direction of your community in relation to WCG.

Definitions of certitude on the Web:

You might ask, What is World Community Grid?  Since I want to be rest assured that you can access this information, I am copy/pasting from their home page and partners information pages.  If any of this is mis-formatted in email beyond readability, please find some way to access the web from the public library or immediately reply back to me so that I can facilitate an alternative means of delivery of this information.  Thank you.

World Community Grid

  World Community Grid World Community Grid

Join World Community Grid today to contribute to projects that benefit humanity
        Who We Are

Human Genome
Advisory Board
Watch Videos
World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals - like you - collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.

How You Can Help

Become a Member
Submit a Proposal
Tell a Friend
Spread the Word
Donate the time your computer is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity! We provide the secure software that does it all for free, and you become part of a community that is helping to change the world. Once you install the software, you will be participating in World Community Grid. No other action must be taken; it's that simple! To learn more and join, click the button below.
download now
  What We Do

Exciting work is now under way on projects that hold tremendous potential to benefit humanity.

The Clean Energy Project
Nutritious Rice for the World
Help Conquer Cancer
Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 Project
FightAIDS@Home Project
How Grid Computing Works
  What's New

World Community Grid welcomes its newest partner:


The [ Partners ] page is where APEB and World Community Grid should begin their union to become a HIV/AIDS and World community supporter.   Watch Videos is a good place if you don't have time to read.  But as a courtesy to me for informing you that there are over $1,000 of unclaimed property funds, I think I have in some way balanced any investment in your time.

I cannot see how you could disagree here.

In the Become a Partner page, there is a link to an online PDF document.  I have attached that document in this email just in case you have any issues at accessing the site.  Here is that page:


Become a Partner

If you are an individual and would like to share World Community Grid with the appropriate decision makers in your business, association, foundation, government agency, or university, you can download a presentation on how to become a World Community Grid partner.

Partner Presentation

Other online PDF documents include:

Videos are a great way to spread the word about World Community Grid. To view all World Community Grid videos, click here.

Click here PDF for a 2-page overview of World Community Grid called The Power of Sharing.

Get the How It Works PDF overview of World Community Grid.

If you have any problems accessing these, please reply and I will find alternative means for delivery for your review.

I think that just about covers my sharing World Community Grid to Aids Project East Bay.  I can now continue the details of the Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck.

By now I bet, your board of directors and administrators with all of what I know is a community level awareness of me, James Driskill, and my attempts to bring these into view long time ago.

And for that, what happened is now going on just about 3 years ago.  You see, I first joined FightAids @ Home in March 2005 before it was placed on the World Community Grid in November 2005. I did not have all of these online organized sharing tools to be able to have the community listen to me.

And the community did not listen. More over, the higher powers of HIV/AIDS management agenda was and probably still is very ill placed against the community in regards to such goals as the World Summit of the Information Society [WSIS] held back in 2003 and in time confluense in November 2005. 

And with papers such as:

Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society

ICTA-NA WSIS Position Paper.

Aug 27, 2003 ... Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society ..... II - Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society ...
www.starlingweb.com/ictana/wsis-e.asp - 59k - Cached - Similar pages -

Here is a few recommendations highlighted and put forward in this document as of 2003:

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must set out a clear commitment and concrete strategies in order to ensure accessibility to technologies and their contents to persons with disabilities, as well as to assistive technologies.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must set out a clear commitment and concrete strategies in order to insure the accessibility of environments and equipment to persons with disabilities.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must contain concrete goals and strategies with reference to government procurement of accessible goods and services.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must promote the development of open, interoperable and accessible standards.

Recommendation: The declaration must recognise the right to an education for all as a fundamental condition of the development of the information society.

Recommendation: The declaration and the plan of action must propose goals and objectives concerning persons with disabilities in order to raise their educational profile and to permit them to take full advantage of proposed developments.

Recommendation: The declaration and the plan of action must recognise the right of Civil Society partners [ THIS WOULD BE YOU, APEB ] to participate in the decision-making process and propose concrete means to promote this participation, with special attention to the needs of marginalized groups, notably persons with disabilities.

So, as to not continue to be marginalized as before and my communications oppressed, I am going to be posting this exact email to the forums of the World Community Grid should I receive no proper and timely reply.

Here are the links to these forums:

Community Envelope Teams
This forum is for teams to communicate among members and recruit new members.
Envelope Chat Room
A meeting place to chat and discuss issues that members wish to discuss.
Envelope Caring and Sharing
A meeting place to chat and discuss personal subjects related to the research that is running on World Community Grid. 
3 Attachments
Preview attachment partner.pdf
Preview attachment The Power of Sharing.pdf

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

to Patricia, Sottolin, Cseneca, Bongane, Kevin, David, Deborah
FYI, this was sent prematurely and is considered a draft and not finished.

But since it has been sent --- You might as well read this.  Thanks
3 Attachments
Preview attachment partner.pdf
Preview attachment The Power of Sharing.pdf


to me
2:37 AM (4 minutes ago)
Original-Recipient: rfc822;sweng@apeb.org
Final-Recipient: rfc822;sweng@apeb.org
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.1
X-Display-Name: Sottolin Weng

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
To: Patricia Jeffery-Wililams <pwilliams@apeb.org>, Sottolin Weng <sweng@apeb.org>, Cseneca Greenwood <cgreenwood@apeb.org>
Cc: Bongane Nyathi <bnyathi@apeb.org>, "Kevin E. Bynes" <kbynes@apeb.org>, David Williams <dwilliams@apeb.org>, "Deborah Wyatt-'Oneal" <doneal@apeb.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 23:05:53 -0800
Subject: Re: Aids Project of the East Bay (APEB) has unclaimed property funds held by the state of California
FYI, this was sent prematurely and is considered a draft and not finished.

But since it has been sent --- You might as well read this.  Thanks

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Aids Project of the East Bay (APEB) has unclaimed property funds held by the state of California
To: Patricia Jeffery-Wililams <pwilliams@apeb.org>, Sottolin Weng <sweng@apeb.org>, Cseneca Greenwood <cgreenwood@apeb.org>
Cc: Bongane Nyathi <bnyathi@apeb.org>, "Kevin E. Bynes" <kbynes@apeb.org>, David Williams <dwilliams@apeb.org>, Deborah Wyatt-'Oneal <doneal@apeb.org>

TO: Aids Project of the East Bay

Patricia Jeffery-Wililams

Administrative Coordinator
(510) 457-4019

Sottolin Weng
Accounting Executive Assistant
(510) 663-7957

Cseneca Greenwood
Housing Coordinator


Dear APEB,

My name is James Driskill and a former client of APEB dating back to 2000 with case manager Jamal Graham.

I am contacting you for a couple of reasons.  But first I want to let you know that I have conducted a public web search today for unclaimed property funds held by the State of California for your organization.  There is definitely matching amounts of  $351.43 & $750.00.  Perhaps you were previously aware of these unclaimed property funds, but perhaps not.  I am hoping that since I have done you a bit of a favor in locating more than $1,000, that you

could do me a favor in return that will not cost any dollars.  I am not looking for a finders fee or anything.  I am looking for some respect and for someone to fully read this email and it's HIV/AIDS community supportive requests.

California State Seal
California State Controller

You can verify these search results yourself by linking to the State of California yourself and conducting a fresh search.


Viewing Results 1 - 2 of 2
NameAddressCityID NumberType AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY400 40TH STREET SUITE 204OAKLAND CA 94609- 012327913 Property ID AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY651 20TH STREETOAKLAND CA 32836- 014988455Property ID

Date: 1/15/2009 Source: INT Property ID Number:  012327913 Owner's Name:  AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY Amount:  $351.43 Type of Property:  Court settlements Reported By:  GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY Reported Address:  400 40TH STREET SUITE 204

Date: 1/15/2009 Source: INT Property ID Number:  014988455 Owner's Name:  AIDS PROJECT OF THEEAST BAY Amount:  $750.00 Type of Property:  Vendor payments Reported By:  KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC. Reported Address:  651 20TH STREET


My first favor would be a reply of gratitude in some manner in locating what seems to be more than $1,000 that I am sure your organization can use.  Therefore, I do expect a timely reply rather than this email being ignored and cast out to the wind to never be considered for reading and/or any other proper business level address.

I mentioned the name Jamal Graham.  I would hope that just the mention of this name makes any reader within your organization cringe.

Based on what I know is just community rumor, which I happen to believe, is the history of Jamal Graham & APEB dating back to the time I was a client there starting with my first HIV/AIDS diagnosis in Sept 1999 and into my disability beginning in 2000.

Here is image of Jamal Graham's APEB Case Manager Business Card which is located on my blogging pages site [ inthemindway.multiply.com ].  Also this image is file attached to this email just in case your organization(s) have multiply.com somehow blocked by a firewall.

Jamal Graham - APEB - Case Disservice Management History.png

Should said rumors be true, Mr Graham had been taking client files home and manipulating their contents for reasons which most likely are financial deviance. 

So beyond that rumors and his termination from APEB, he acquired the posting job as Building Administrator at Allen Temple Manor, an HIV/AIDS supportive housing facility in East Oakland under HUD housing section 811 basically since it's grand opening in 2001.

This facility manged by American Baptist Homes of the West as Mr Graham was an employee of ABHOW.. So following the turmoil that occurred at APEB, Mr Graham was unleashed to continue to play considerable ill regards and havoc on the tenants of Allen Temple Manor.

Along with other key persons of involvement is Dr Robert C Scott, founder and also a current ongoing HIV/AIDS medical doctor practicing in the local HIV/AIDS community in Oakland and Jan Nunes, direct supervisory manager above Mr Graham at ABHOW.

By now anyone reading this you may have made a mental connection to my name, "James Driskill" with what are your own exposure to community rumors of who I am and what happened to me.  But perhaps not. 

Therefore I will have to provide you all most all of the gory details here so that I know you have a bit of an understanding for the point of view I am writing to you about now in the year 2009.

But before I get into that Massive Mischievous Marvel of Molding Muck, I am seeking another favor of something of topics much more positive to our HIV/AIDS community.

This is one of those "HIV/AIDS community supportive requests" mentioned in my introduction and these supportive items are called World Community Grid and the FightAIDS@Home Project.

I am seeking a proper business level address and a reply here in relation to these.

Once again I have to shore up any loophole possibility [excuse] that your corporate access to the public information society are being blocked somehow from these websites.  I will copy/paste some information here for an introduction. I am also file attaching PDF documents for your review.

I expect that review since these directly impact our HIV/AIDS community as a whole.

Has anyone reading this email ever heard of these online projects to humanity and to our HIV/AIDS community?  If not, why not?

I see that the APEB website does not show support for World Community Grid. [ http://apeb.org/ ]

But that would not be true of my current HIV/AIDS Case Managment Agency that I am connected to.

North County Health Services : HIV/AIDS Case Management

The Coordinated Services Center (CSC) is a "one stop shopping" concept for the delivery of services to the HIV community in North County where clients can ...
www.nchs-health.org/pages/3039/HIV/AIDS_Case_Management.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages -

Linking to their site and scrolling to the bottom, you will remarkably find the World Community Icon and this statement:

"NCHS is a proud partner of the World Community Grid network Learn more"

Since APEB and NCHS are both Ryan White II HIV/AIDS Case Management Agencies, I find we must somehow find and unite a common bonding and for you to continue reading as well as respond to my "HIV/AIDS community supportive requests" fully requested by this email.

My request is for your organization(s) to look into joining World Community Grid along with the FightAids @ Home projects and to share these with the greater local HIV/AIDS community members of agencies and clients.  Would you agree? 

The molding muck just mentioned and introduced above draws upon why I have just great certitude in what needs to happen in the direction of your community in relation to WCG.

Definitions of certitude on the Web:

You might ask, What is World Community Grid?  Since I want to be rest assured that you can access this information, I am copy/pasting from their home page and partners information pages.  If any of this is mis-formatted in email beyond readability, please find some way to access the web from the public library or immediately reply back to me so that I can facilitate an alternative means of delivery of this information.  Thank you.

World Community Grid

  World Community Grid World Community Grid

Join World Community Grid today to contribute to projects that benefit humanity
        Who We Are

Human Genome
Advisory Board
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World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals - like you - collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.

How You Can Help

Become a Member
Submit a Proposal
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Donate the time your computer is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity! We provide the secure software that does it all for free, and you become part of a community that is helping to change the world. Once you install the software, you will be participating in World Community Grid. No other action must be taken; it's that simple! To learn more and join, click the button below.
download now
  What We Do

Exciting work is now under way on projects that hold tremendous potential to benefit humanity.

The Clean Energy Project
Nutritious Rice for the World
Help Conquer Cancer
Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together
Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 Project
FightAIDS@Home Project
How Grid Computing Works
  What's New

World Community Grid welcomes its newest partner:


The [ Partners ] page is where APEB and World Community Grid should begin their union to become a HIV/AIDS and World community supporter.   Watch Videos is a good place if you don't have time to read.  But as a courtesy to me for informing you that there are over $1,000 of unclaimed property funds, I think I have in some way balanced any investment in your time.

I cannot see how you could disagree here.

In the Become a Partner page, there is a link to an online PDF document.  I have attached that document in this email just in case you have any issues at accessing the site.  Here is that page:


Become a Partner

If you are an individual and would like to share World Community Grid with the appropriate decision makers in your business, association, foundation, government agency, or university, you can download a presentation on how to become a World Community Grid partner.

Partner Presentation

Other online PDF documents include:

Videos are a great way to spread the word about World Community Grid. To view all World Community Grid videos, click here.

Click here PDF for a 2-page overview of World Community Grid called The Power of Sharing.

Get the How It Works PDF overview of World Community Grid.

If you have any problems accessing these, please reply and I will find alternative means for delivery for your review.

I think that just about covers my sharing World Community Grid to Aids Project East Bay.  I can now continue the details of the Massive Mischievous Marvel Of Molding Muck.

By now I bet, your board of directors and administrators with all of what I know is a community level awareness of me, James Driskill, and my attempts to bring these into view long time ago.

And for that, what happened is now going on just about 3 years ago.  You see, I first joined FightAids @ Home in March 2005 before it was placed on the World Community Grid in November 2005. I did not have all of these online organized sharing tools to be able to have the community listen to me.

And the community did not listen. More over, the higher powers of HIV/AIDS management agenda was and probably still is very ill placed against the community in regards to such goals as the World Summit of the Information Society [WSIS] held back in 2003 and in time confluense in November 2005. 

And with papers such as:

Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society

ICTA-NA WSIS Position Paper.

Aug 27, 2003 ... Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society ..... II - Persons with Disabilities in the Information Society ...
www.starlingweb.com/ictana/wsis-e.asp - 59k - Cached - Similar pages -

Here is a few recommendations highlighted and put forward in this document as of 2003:

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must set out a clear commitment and concrete strategies in order to ensure accessibility to technologies and their contents to persons with disabilities, as well as to assistive technologies.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must set out a clear commitment and concrete strategies in order to insure the accessibility of environments and equipment to persons with disabilities.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must contain concrete goals and strategies with reference to government procurement of accessible goods and services.

Recommendation: The declaration and plan of action must promote the development of open, interoperable and accessible standards.

Recommendation: The declaration must recognise the right to an education for all as a fundamental condition of the development of the information society.

Recommendation: The declaration and the plan of action must propose goals and objectives concerning persons with disabilities in order to raise their educational profile and to permit them to take full advantage of proposed developments.

Recommendation: The declaration and the plan of action must recognise the right of Civil Society partners [ THIS WOULD BE YOU, APEB ] to participate in the decision-making process and propose concrete means to promote this participation, with special attention to the needs of marginalized groups, notably persons with disabilities.

So, as to not continue to be marginalized as before and my communications oppressed, I am going to be posting this exact email to the forums of the World Community Grid should I receive no proper and timely reply.

Here are the links to these forums:

Community Envelope Teams
This forum is for teams to communicate among members and recruit new members.
Envelope Chat Room
A meeting place to chat and discuss issues that members wish to discuss.
Envelope Caring and Sharing
A meeting place to chat and discuss personal subjects related to the research that is running on World Community Grid. 
3 Attachments
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On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 2:37 AM, James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Ms. Keady,

Although you may periodically check the status of UNCLAIMED PROPERTY funds of your own organization from time to time...

Since having a library background and involved in public records searches, I typically go ahead and perform searches for people and organizations that I am connected to in my life... just for convienence of speedy recovery.  Why should the government hold funds for someone or some organization any one day longer?

I performed a UNCLAIMED PROPERTY SEARCH for [ COLORADO AIDS PROJECT ] and returned two (2) records:  Although the amounts may be minor for you to proceed with claims at this time,

DO NOTE that for the AIDS PROJECT EAST BAY [ APEB ] I have found in unclaimed funds much much more to have given them alert to.

Go to    :  GreatCoPayback.com
and use the BUSINESS SEARCH button link

Or just use the Search URL:

leave all other data info fields blank
complete the human key CAPTCHA verifyier

and you should be returned with the same results as I have found:   You can proceed from there.

Take care.... Just thought you would like to know.

Search Results